Fine Lines

Category : Aroma Reads , Latest Tips

My daughter and I had just finished the groceries and was walking out to the car. My daughter was trying to describe someone and pointed out that *they had wrinkles just like you, they were old, just like you, but maybe a bit more* as she said this a lady that was also walking to her car beside ours caught this description and looked at me as tho my daughter was talking out of tune or my feeling I got from her was that she was not impress for what she just heard. I gave her a half smile and kept listening to my daughter. I half felt my daughter was saying I was old but half felt content with what she was saying. I don’t feel old, but her being young, I do look older and this was only a small part of her story she was telling me.

Later I asked my daughter, did you see the look on that lady that over heard you describing the person you met, she didn’t look impressed. My daughter replied with, *I was not saying that you are old, just that this person looked as old as you*. Deep down I knew that was what she was trying to say. Because of my belief inside me, not only of my daughters good intentions but also that I’m not that old, maybe I am but I don’t feel old, so no offence was taken by me.

The lady that over heard, was not that old, but maybe a bit older than me, maybe deep down inside, we should not consider ourselves old for we would take offence to an innocent description.

Deep down inside are you telling yourself you are old or still believing you are young, but with a bit of wisdom on your side?

It can mean the difference between a feeling of negativity *oh how rude was that girl* then you taking that negativity, that deep feeling of *she also was saying I was old*, along with you as you hop in the car and drive away with it,


you can take a secrete feeling away of *I’m not that old but have experienced many things and I hope your life is truly kind to you* and leaving the feeling in the car park and driving away with a smile of total contentment.

Gratitude: We have to be thankful that we are still growing old!

If you have found the fine lines starting to appear from maturity or wisdom, find a go to product that will not only assist you with those, but by utilising Aromatherapy in your products can assist your mind with how you think too!

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